Since the foundation in 1919, we have continued to develop, research and supply products in the field of filter paper and other functional paper, responding to customer needs through manufacturing filter paper.We would like to express the gratitude to the many people who have supported us over years and have enabled us to continue the work.From now on also, in order to be of assistance to you in the future, we will devote management/employees to making effort.
Filter paper itself owning the special characteristics, we believe seeking the peculiarity is our true vocation. The variety of use represents an area of potential growth so much that we hope it will to emphasize the most appropriate characteristics for various applications.
By exceling the unique and our activities, we want to empower people to do more and contribute to society. It is also our wish to help world peace in various ways by further global business development with our filter paper.
In this sense, the global environment is an inseparable theme for us. We do business in an environmentally sustainable way, of course the SDGs, and contributing to environmental protection, our products as well.
Currently world industrial structure changing rapidly combined with declining Japan population, the future is becoming increasingly difficult to predict. As a Japanese manufacturer, we want to offer products of a quality we can be proud of.
In addition to our traditional management principles, we always work under the motto “Enjoy” and “Master”. We look forward to continuing to develop together with you, customers and look forward to your patronage.
November 1, 2021